Let’s experience the good news together.
New stories, new videos, new sessions, same gospel.
Join the Gospel Project each week as we continuously trace the need for redemption in the story of the gospel and in our stories, too.
Every Session is:
Christ Centered
It’s all about Jesus, and every story points back to Him.
Heart Transforming
This study is designed to encourage true transformation that comes only from the gospel, not from behavior modification.
Age Aligned
Each week, every participant—from preschoolers to adults—can study from the same section of Scripture.
All age levels study the narrative of the Bible in order, from Genesis to Revelation.
Theologically Rich
All studies are presented in an age-aware manner, and every session is doctrinally sound and thorough.
Missionally Minded
Every session calls participants to respond by sharing and living out the gospel.
“We can’t think of a better tool that we would prefer to use to bring discipleship and depth…”
J. D. Greear, Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, NC

Your Ministry. Your Way.
Whether you prefer a bible study that’s fully digital, in print, or a combination of both, The Gospel Project makes it simple to optimize the discipleship experience for your church.