resource library
Explore our resource library to find helpful articles, devotionals, podcasts, training, and more to help you grow in your faith and prepare to lead a session of The Gospel Project.
September 10, 2018
Fall 2018 Leader Tips: Unit 1, Session 3—Sin and God's Good News
In the videos below, Brian Dembowczyk and Aaron Armstrong (Adults), Andy McLean (Students), and Jeremy Carroll (Kids) coach leaders on teaching Fall 2018, Unit 1, Session 3—Sin and God’s Good News. Tips and videos for previous lessons are available on the The Gospel Project Blog. You can also check out the Additional Resources page for podcast recommendations and blog posts related to this week’s...
September 3, 2018
"In the Beginning": God Created People
Last week, we began broadly by seeing that God is Creator of all and as such He has authority over everything and knows how His creation works best. This week, we narrow our focus to the creation of people. While we normally read Genesis 1-2 as one complete thought—that God created everything in six days and rested on the...
September 3, 2018
Fall 2018 Leader Tips: Unit 1, Session 2—God's Good People
In the videos below, Brian Dembowczyk and Aaron Armstrong (Adults), Andy McLean (Students), and Jeremy Carroll (Kids) coach leaders on teaching Fall 2018, Unit 1, Session 2—God’s Good People. Tips and videos for previous lessons are available on the The Gospel Project Blog. You can also check out the Additional Resources page for podcast recommendations and blog posts related to this week’s subject matter. To...
August 28, 2018
"In the Beginning": God Created the World
The story of Scripture begins where we would expect, with creation. And that makes complete sense. Creation is the logical place to begin telling God’s story because it is where we stepped into the story—or more correctly, where God brought us into His story. But there is another reason why this is not just the logical place to begin the...
August 27, 2018
Fall 2018 Leader Tips: Unit 1, Session 1—God's Good World
In the videos below, Brian Dembowczyk and Aaron Armstrong (Adults), Andy McLean (Students), and Jeremy Carroll (Kids) coach leaders on teaching Fall 2018, Unit 1, Session 1—God’s Good World. Tips and videos for previous lessons are available on the The Gospel Project Blog. You can also check out the Additional Resources page for podcast recommendations and blog posts related to this week’s subject matter. To...