We can trust God’s boundaries are good.
SCRIPTURE | Genesis 2:8–3:7
God is good and everything He does is for our good. He established Eden and placed man there to live and work, giving him authority over the plants and animals. God’s words, “you are free” (Gen. 2:16), tell us something critical: the boundaries God puts in place are for our freedom.
Key question
Keep in Mind
Sometimes the church doesn’t talk enough about doubt or treats it like it doesn’t exist. Maybe if we ignore our doubt long enough it’ll go away, right? No. Here’s something that needs to be said to our students: believers can struggle with doubt. We’re imperfect and vulnerable, and struggling with doubt doesn’t mean we don’t love God. So, what do we do when we feel the cracks of doubt beginning to form concerning who God is or what He has said in His Word? We take it to Him. Adam and Eve didn’t do this. They gave in to the doubt and allowed Satan to twist God’s truth. But you can take your doubts to God because He can handle them. It’s okay to ask questions. So, ask God to show you what’s true. Instead of ignoring your doubt, wrestle with it to work through it.
Does your life reflect that you believe God’s Word? Explain.
FOR THE STUDENT: If students look to God’s Word as authoritative—if they really believe it—then the way they live will look different from the way the world lives. They’ll make different choices, like glorifying God with their words, having godly standards in relationships, or sharing the gospel. They’ll also love people well—even those rejected by society.
FOR THE LEADER: God is worthy of our obedience. His authority is pure and trustworthy. When we surrender our will, we show our students how to follow Christ. Sometimes this obedience will go against the flow of society, but the Holy Spirit gives us the power to live out God’s Word.
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