The church is one body, united under Jesus Christ and His gospel.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10-25; 12:12-18
Central Truth
Christ’s desire for the church is that we be united as one in Him by the gospel (Phil. 2:1-2), reflecting the oneness of our trinitarian God (John 17:20-23). As such, we are to allow for no divisions to separate us (1 Cor. 1:10), such as ethnicity, socioeconomics, nationality, language, politics, or secondary doctrinal beliefs.
Key Question
What’s the difference between worldly and godly wisdom?
Keep in Mind
There’s a lot of division in our world. Our students are raised under the concept of division being the norm. It’s in politics, churches, schools, homes, and families. It seems to be everywhere. The next generation ends up taking on a lot of the division and issues of the generations before it. One day, we will experience complete unity. When Jesus returns, we’ll be united with Him and with one another forever, but until that day comes, a lot of us have abandoned the roles we’re supposed to play in seeing unity here on earth now.
In what area of your life are you believing in worldly wisdom over godly wisdom?
FOR THE STUDENT: Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord, or a holy respect (Prov. 9:10). So, godly wisdom comes from knowing God. We gain wisdom through the Word and with the help of the Holy Spirit and godly mentors.
FOR THE LEADER: Maybe you struggle with feeling like some of God’s commands are outdated. Maybe you’ve bought into the lies from our culture. God’s Word has plenty to say about all of these issues and more. When you look there and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, then you’ll find real wisdom to share with your students.
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