Although God is holy, He draws us into His presence.
SCRIPTURE | Exodus 3:2-14
Knowing God is holy should create a healthy fear (reverence) in us. Entering His presence is something we must take seriously, both individually and corporately.
Key question
How can we make sure that we enter God’s presence with the right attitude? Why is it important to remember that we can only come near to God because He invites us?
Keep in Mind
Some students may struggle with whether God sees or cares about human suffering. Why does He sometimes wait so long to deliver us? Why does He sometimes not deliver us at all? We know God is good and He cares about His creation. But somehow, He allows suffering. The Israelites living in slavery in Egypt may have wondered the same things. Their deliverance wouldn’t come for over four hundred years! When God delivered them, He did so in a way that it could only be attributed to Him. Their deliverance clearly revealed God as the only true God. When our own deliverance feels delayed, we can trust God has a good purpose (Rom. 8:28)—even if our deliverance is only a reality in heaven.
In what areas of your life do you need to move toward God to experience deliverance?
FOR THE STUDENT: When students hear God’s voice and respond to it with obedience, they’ll experience more of His presence in their lives. They can listen for His voice by praying and getting into God’s Word.
FOR THE LEADER: As leaders, we never stop needing God’s guidance. To hear from God, we do exactly what we encourage our students to do: pray, get into the Word, worship, and so on. When we do these things consistently, then we’re positioning ourselves to hear from God in our daily lives. Consistency is key in experiencing God’s presence.
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