Ingratitude leads us to long for something other than God’s provision.
SCRIPTURE | Numbers 11:4-6,16-23
God’s people complained because they thought they needed more, or something different than what He provided for them. But God has met our greatest need in Jesus. When we focus on what we’re missing or wish we had instead, our ungrateful hearts desire something more than God’s provision.
Key question
In what ways are we often like the complaining people in this passage?
Keep in Mind
Students may wonder why they’re drawn to sin and why they desire other things besides God. We can encourage them that they aren’t alone; Paul struggled with this concept. He admitted that he didn’t always do the good he wanted to do but often did the things he knew he shouldn’t do (Rom. 7:15-20). Many of us feel the same way. Sin appeals to us because we are products of a fallen world; we’re born into sin. Sin masquerades as fun. Sin wouldn’t be so tempting if it didn’t do so. Our flesh desires to sin because our flesh desires what’s worldly. So, even though we know sin is wrong and that it harms our relationship with God, we choose it because it feels good in the moment. It satisfies a craving but only temporarily.
What craving for other things pulls you away from God? How can you direct your craving toward God this week?
FOR THE STUDENT: When our students choose sin, we can remind them that they are met with the choice to continue that sin or repent of it and turn toward God. The good news is that they have victory over sin through Jesus. They don’t have to choose sin because they have His Spirit living within them. Their flesh doesn’t have to rule them any longer.
FOR THE LEADER: As leaders, we know the struggle with choosing sin. Most cravings come from desires put in our hearts by God to point us to Him. But in our flesh, we allow those desires to turn sinful. We can’t meet a God-given desire with things of this world; instead, when we turn to God with our desires, He will satisfy us.

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