Genesis 2–3 recounts sin’s entrance into the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience. Although this passage may seem familiar to us, we must be careful not to overlook the gravity of Adam and Eve’s sin and how our need for redemption is just as dire as theirs was from the earliest pages of the Old Testament.
How has God provided for His people since the beginning of time, from before the fall of man until this very moment? What evidence do we see of His kindness and care—especially in light of Christ?
God revealed His glory through Eden, where He fashioned a thriving garden where His people’s needs were lovingly met. His beautiful creation was all theirs for the taking with only one exception: “ … you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die” (Genesis 2:17).
When faced with the serpent’s lies, Eve questioned God and was enticed by the thought of becoming more like Him. She and her husband’s eyes had indeed been opened to the knowledge of good and evil; however, because they disobeyed God’s command, they would have to personally experience the consequences of sin and the reality of death.
Despite His people’s disobedience, God sought them out in their sin. He would continue to provide them with all they would need, though they would be sent away from His presence. He provided them with clothing from animal skins to cover their nakedness and shame. However, the sacrifice of this animal was not a once-and-for-all event, but the foreshadowing of a greater death to repair this severed relationship between God and man—Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
While you ponder today’s truths, take time to meditate on God’s care for His people—from the beauty of creation to the mercy revealed in Jesus’ sacrifice. Consider God’s provision in redeeming His people and drawing close despite their sin. May you teach His truths clearly, your own faith made evident to the boys and girls learning from you today.
Listen to the Weekly Leader Training for Preschool & Kids

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