In the videos below, Brian Dembowczyk and Aaron Armstrong (Adults), Andy McLean (Students), and Jeremy Carroll (Kids) coach leaders on teaching Fall 2018, Unit 1, Session 6—Suffering and God’s Presence.
Tips and videos for previous lessons are available on the The Gospel Project Blog. You can also check out the Additional Resources page for podcast recommendations and blog posts related to this week’s subject matter. To view a comprehensive list of the studies for this three-year cycle of The Gospel Project, see our All Ages Chronological Study Plan (which includes Scripture references for each weekly session).
Every week, we provide interactive teaching helps and additional ideas / activities for The Gospel Project for Adults sessions. Click TGP Fall 2018 Unit 1, Session 6 to access the Session 6 interactive teaching suggestions.
Janet Hanna says
II thoroughly enjoyed this clear explanation of the book of Job, and how we ought to learn to trust in God through those difficult times in outlives.