What should we think about creation, everything seen and unseen that God made? More importantly, what does God think of what He made… and does that line up with our experience? Let’s find out why it matters as we discuss the goodness of creation.
In Genesis 1, God is shown creating the world out of nothing. He speaks all things into existence: Light, air, water, earth, plants, animals… Everything.
What’s amazing is that every time God made something, He didn’t just say that it was—that it existed. After each day in Genesis’ creation account, when God made something, the Bible says, “God saw, and it was good.”
And not just good, but very good.
But, what does that mean? Or maybe a better way to say it is, is it still true? After all, all we have to do is look outside the window to see that there are some pretty not good things about this world.
When God said what He made was good, He was affirming its original design and intent: to reflect and display His good character, power, and nature.
In its original state, creation measured up to God’s standards. It was the way He wanted it to be. It was exactly the sort of quality He desired. It could only reflect His character, power and nature, because it could not not do that!
And even after sin came into the world, with its corrupting power and influence, the fundamental goodness of creation remained! Sin might distort the goodness of creation, but it can’t make what God has said untrue. Creation is still good in the hands of God, and it still serves its purpose of proclaiming His glory in the world.
And God’s people should affirm the goodness of God’s creation, and seek to preserve it, even as it “groans” for its final restoration when Jesus returns to make all things new.
7. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
-Isaiah 45:7
Mind to clarify this verse?
Hi, Stephanie. I would imagine you are wanting “evil” addressed? The clarification is found in other translations where that word is translated as “disaster” (CSB, NIV) or calamity (ESV, NASB, NKJV).